Coast by Jay McLean

Coast (Kick Push 2)
By Jay McLean

One life-changing summer. 
One boy.
The boy.
The boy who offered me safe touches and heart-stopping smiles - smiles he shared with his son.
We filled our days with porch-step kisses, 
filled our ears with laughter, 
filled our hearts with love. 
Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.
But love is misleading.
It's an invisible, fleeting moment.
Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire.
It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it, 
who know better than to expect it.
Love is relentless.
Even when that love turns to hate, turns to loathing, 
turns to pain. 
Love should heal you. 
But it can also break you. 
Believe me, I know...
Because I'm Becca Owens - a broken girl...
...And he's Josh Warden - the boy who broke me.

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 Have you ever been terrified to turn the first page of the sequel to a story that you loved, scared not because you think that the book will be terrible compared to all of the brilliance of the one before, but because you know that once you start, even more of your heart will become lost within the pages to the characters and the story that have the power to you...

     I had thought that once Coast, the sequel to Kick Push by Jay McLean hit my kindle, I'd be diving straight in, but for days I put it off in fear that parts would leave me a crying, trembling mess, unable to function for days. Kick Push after all had done that to me, it hadn't just resulted in a book hangover, it had started a bender; for days I drowned in tears of joy, anger and heartache, hooked on the words that held so much sway over my emotions. So lost to the story, I re-read it multiple times straight after the first time wanting more. I wanted desperately to read Coast, but when the moment came, the trepidation kicked in; it took  a couple of days but I finally decided to face the fear and turn the page and I'm so glad that I did, because there is so much to learn from this beautiful story. 

       Kick Push introduced readers to Josh and Becca, to their heartaches, their fears, the strength they found when with each other. Coast showed the strength that they found within themselves and it was absolutely astonishing  in it's magnificence. The amount of courage that each of the characters showed, in the forgiveness of those around them and of themselves, the thoughts they contained and the ones they projected were awe-inspiring.

     Jay McLean writes with such outstanding ability, drawing a reader in and showing them not only a story and the characters lives, but a part of themselves through lessons they've learnt or ones, that with this book, they only just began to understand. They see the struggles and they see the rewards. Jay McLean does not just create she teaches. 
    My fear to read this story did not gain any momentum, it became eclipsed by other soul-searing emotions that reiterated a very important message; Kick Push Coast. 

5/5 ❤️s

My all time favourite read, I firetrucking love this series!


#kickpushcoast #alltimefavourite #mustread #lotsoftearssomanymoresmiles

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